
top 200?

This list is a complete joke. I know music is all about one's personal opinion, but wow. I don't even know where to start with this one:



Mlle. Rice said...

There are few desputes I have with the top 20 despite the lack of al green, marvin gay, or radiohead. REabking is all subjective do not get hooked up on it. Dango Rri hardt is one of the best guitarist but he is never menitioned in anyone's top 20.

Most Luck

Mary Rice

@TweetLaVerdad said...

I thought that "hate on my music" would be the top single ever, or maybe "the Richter scale".

andrewflavin said...

serioulsy! how the hell does kid rock not even crack Top 50?!?!?! i gotta go smoke a cigarette...

Unknown said...

You have every reason to be disappointed. I cried real tears when I didn't see Uneti on that list. Tragic